in Attitude

Complaining Reveals Character
in Attitude

Having an Attitude of Unity in the church. A sermon in the series Attitude.
The Power of Prayer
Your prayers are a reflection of you maturity and your relationship with our Creator. How do you pray? For yourself? For others? For broad topics? Things you need? Things you want? God’s will? or your...

Why Should I Be Baptized
Week 2 in our series “Basic Training”.

What Does the Bible Say About Salvation?
Week 1 of our series “Basic Training”.
in Jonah
The Jonah In All of Us
I Will Treasure Church Membership As A Gift
At a time when so many who attend church have a “what can I get” mentality rather than a “what can I give” mind-set, it is time to set the record straight. The local church...
I Will Lead My Family To Be Healthy Church Members
At a time when so many who attend church have a “what can I get” mentality rather than a “what can I give” mind-set, it is time to set the record straight. The local church...
I Will Pray For My Leaders
At a time when so many who attend church have a “what can I get” mentality rather than a “what can I give” mind-set, it is time to set the record straight. The local church...
I Will Not Let My Church Be About My Preferences And Desires
At a time when so many who attend church have a “what can I get” mentality rather than a “what can I give” mind-set, it is time to set the record straight. The local church...